Investment Strategies
Champion Capital Research develops and manages customized investment strategies and research to help investors meet specific investment objectives.
Our strategies span the capital markets spectrum from global developed equity to emerging market equity strategies; large cap to small cap strategies; include equity, fixed income, balanced, and target allocation strategies; and offer both passive and active investment options.
Champion Capital Research rigorously follows a disciplined investment process centered on a research-driven, rules-based methodology that includes both quantitative and fundamental analyses to effectively manage investment decisions.

Equity Strategies
Emergentes – Emerging Market – Tactical allocation strategy providing exposure to emerging market countries and seeks to deliver capital appreciation.
Panoptic – Global Developed – Tactical allocation strategy providing exposure to developed countries and seeks to deliver capital appreciation.
Domestic Sector – Tactical allocation strategy providing exposure to domestic sectors and seeks to provide capital appreciation.
Fixed Income Strategies
High Yield Fixed Income – Seeks to provide high current income.
Municipal Fixed Income – Seeks to maximize after-tax income and preserve capital.

Target Allocation Strategies
- Aggressive (80/20) – Seeks total return and capital appreciation with target allocation of 80% equities and 20% fixed income
- Moderate (60/40) – Seeks to provide capital appreciation and income with target allocations of 60% equities and 40% fixed income
- Balanced (50/50) - Seeks to provide a balance of growth and income with target allocations of 50% equities and 50% fixed income
- Conservative (20/80) – Seeks income with target allocation of 20% equities and 80% fixed income