Champion Research is a proponent of the next generation of 401k plan management which reduces risks through process oriented investment management. “Our solution applies objective criteria for selection and monitoring of a plan’s investments”, says Dr. Mary Kathryn Campion, CFA, AIFA, the firm’s founder. “We believe it is only a matter of time before more plans will catch on.” Campion is an Adjunct Instructor for the Center for Fiduciary Studies and sees the transition beginning to take shape as a major shift in the industry.
Many sponsors of 401(k) Plans maintain the platforms and investing formats that were implemented at the Plan’s inception. As expected, these same Plans grew in size and complexity due to overall business growth and accumulation of assets. Stephen O’Connell, Champion’s Vice President of Advisory Services, sees this as a “substantial fiduciary issue” given the increased scrutiny Plan Sponsors must contend with due to the recent barrage of fiduciary breach class action lawsuits.
Champion Capital Research, Inc. is a Houston-based employee-owned investment advisory firm, which offers independent research and diversified outsourcing services to institutional investors.